The Top 5 Best Street Photography Accounts To Be Featured On

Jared Thomas Tapy
7 min readJun 27, 2021


In todays world where social media has become one of the easiest ways to gain traction and awareness to your own artwork it can be of great value to submit your photos to a larger account that will feature your work. With the simple use of a hashtag or even tagging the account it has become substantially easier to get the right pair of eyes on your work. With the help of larger accounts you can bring in followers, likes and comments that can boost engagement to your own portfolio and social media accounts.

Here are The Top 5 Best Street Photography Accounts To Be Featured On:

Number 1: Street Photography International

This account is one of the leading Instagram accounts that showcases the work of well known and upcoming street and landscape photographers. With a following of 1.6m people as of 2021, Street Photography International is the largest social media account for any and all photographers looking to feature their work on a larger platform. On average their posts range anywhere from 13,000–50,000 likes on a single post with an average of 150–250 comments. Being featured on this platform can cause heavy traffic through your own profile that can lead to higher engagement on upcoming posts that can then be directed towards your website or portfolio. This account has a pretty notable theme that reoccurs from post to post. In general most of the posts feature work with heavy shadows, leading lines and using light as a compositional strategy. Using that observation to your advantage may be useful when submitting too SPI.

However having a high volume of followers also means having a high volume of submissions. This can mean that submitted photos may be overlooked or even skipped over due to a sheer surplus in applicants. That is why the following accounts are just as important and influential as this one.

For a chance to be featured on the Street Photography International page you can use #SPiCollective, follow and tag them in your photos to be entered into their selection process.

Number 2: Street Classics

Street Classics is another leading account in the street photography scene. With 308k followers Street Classics racks in on average 5,000–10,000 likes per post. With a smaller following than Street Photography International, Street Classics may be just the account you’re looking for to feature your work. This account features work from various well known and upcoming artists. A quick scroll through their feed and you can notice that they are fans of images that use repetition, leading lines and color to form their images. Take this into account when submitting with Street Classics.

While this account doesn’t have the same level as traffic as SPI, it still has over 300,000 followers which may lead to heavier traffic in submissions. Take this into consideration and look at some of the alternatives on this list for even more accounts to be featured on.

For a chance to be featured on Street Classics account use #streetclassics and tag @street.classics to be entered into their selection process.

Number 3: Timeless Streets

With under 200,000 followers, Timeless Streets becomes the first account on this list that may be easier to be featured on than previous accounts we’ve discussed. My favorite on the list thus far, Timeless Streets features the work of legendary, well known, photographers such as Bruce Gilden and Robert Frank as well as upcoming artists. The photos they tend to feature are more concerned with that of the human aspect of street photography and point towards featuring work that is less concerned with compositional strategies like leading lines, emphasis and rule of thirds. Instead, Timeless Streets accentuates the art of the human experience and those that capture it.

On average, this account brings in around 5,000 likes per post and is a great way to begin featuring your work to a larger audience.

For a chance to be featured on Timeless Streets account use #timeless_streets and tag them @timeless_streets to be entered into their selection process.

Number 4: The Street Hunters

Coming in at number four on the list is The Street Hunters. This instagram account is just over 100,000 followers and usually pulls in anywhere between 6,000 to 10,000 likes per post. This page is starting off strong and continues to grow daily. With only having 100,000 followers they still manage to have great engagement rates collecting on average more likes than the previous spot on our list Timeless Streets. However due to having 50,000 less followers The Street Hunters still comes in behind Timeless Streets.

I think that this is a great page to submit to at this moment because they are just now starting to hit higher numbers in likes, comments and followers. you can really capitalize on an account like this and get in early before the inevitable surge in popularity takes place.

For a chance to be featured on The Street Hunters account follow them and use #StreetHunters to be entered into their selection process.

Number 5: Street Finder

Last on our list is the Instagram account Street Finder. Our first page on the list that is under 100,000 followers. Don’t let that deter you from submitting to this page though because on average their posts range from 2,000–4,000 likes and regardless of what level artist you are an extra 2,000–4,000 eyes on your work is always beneficial.

The benefit of having less than 100,000 followers is that submission acceptance rate becomes higher and a larger percentage of people engage on the posts more frequently in a tighter knit page such as Street Finders. On this page you may find repeat submission artists that have multiple photos featured on the account. This is a good thing because the more you are featured the more traffic can be brought your way.

Street Finder doesn’t seem to have a general theme such as compositional photography, human aspects or anything like the previous four. However having that that wide range allows for easier submission types and creates a larger chance for your photos to be accepted.

For a chance to be featured on the Street Finder account use #streetfinder and tag them @street.finder to be entered into their selection process.

As we progress into this digital age of photography it becomes more and more important to get in front of the right people and showcase your work in a professional manner. Using the tools necessary to get your work in front of as many eyes as possible is as easy as using a few hashtags and tagging the right accounts. Take all of these accounts into consideration before your next post now get out there and get shooting!

To learn more about the art of photography, its movements and history check out my Tik Tok page where I shed light on all of these aspects in detail.

Once you’ve perused those videos you can check out my other social medias such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to check out my personal and professional work.

To view my full portfolio click below!



Jared Thomas Tapy
Jared Thomas Tapy

Written by Jared Thomas Tapy

Documentary/ Street Photographer teaching people the history, movements and aspects of photography.

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